SansEC Spectroscopy Sensor (LAR-TOPS-192)

  • airplanes
  • Food
  • Damage
  • Medical
  • First, hover over the spiral sensor and compare its findings to the analyzer on the right. Then, disturb the contents with the button below, and note the response in the analyzers readings.

    Sensors, how they work

    A sensors most basic function is to describe the state of contents within a container, usually using either electric or magnetic waves to achieve a reading of the contents inside.

    When the contents undergo a state change, so do the readings.

    the sansec sensor

    Behind The Sensor

    A Sans Electrical Connections (SansEC) sensor uses both electric and magnetic fields to react to the properties of a substance. Any changes in the state of the substance will result in changes in the way these fields react.

    A portable data acquisition system then wirelessly communicates with a SansEC sensor to collect these measurements.

    SansEC sensors can achieve this task without an external power unit, it is completely self contained, and waterproof.


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    And so, sensors are crucial for accurate readings in many different fields, The sensors themselves though, have many limitations. Enter sansEC. Below will be the various applications and our illustrations in correlation with these summations.

    Airplanes and plane planes planes planes

    Sansec sensors posess the ability to lorem ipsum loerun deoi ejfao fmld fiefn dof jeof jndiofs dsof dsiofh iofh dsiofn diofn diof ewdiofje

    Intracranial fluid

    IM all up in your brain man all up in your brain all up in yo head and im crossin your mind not lookin both ways and im kinda just doin my thing an dmovin through the mud and lettin people do what it do and then when each thing i considered in the end we meet the bango bango yup and this is how life goes

    Food spoilage

    Nasty lil food its the meaning of tryna think between the things and im beginning to contemplate through the meaning of life and whu should one help in the red mode when the mood makes me want tp trick the things and itsa different meaning of things that twist and